ANFP is dedicated to celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion and is proud to recognize the embattled past along with perseverance, determination and hard fought freedom of the Black community thrmore»
ANFP is dedicated to celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusion and is proud to recognize the embattled past along with the perseverance, determination and hard fought freedom of the Black communitmore»
1.50 General CE Credits
1.00 Ethics CE Credits
3.00 General CE Credits
5.00 General CE Credits
5.00 Sanitation CE Credits
5.00 Ethics CE Credits
In this course you will discover how unconscious bias can lead to accidental discrimination and homogenous talent pools. You will then explore the problems that unconscious bias can cause in recruitimore»
3.00 Ethics CE Credits
In this course you will review types of motivation. You will also understand the unique forces that motivate individuals and use that knowledge to everyone’s advantage.
The menu is the starting point for many decisions involving purchasing, production, and service of food. Learning to optimize our menus by using tracking systems and different tools, we can create amore»
This course will help you define stress, pressure, and burnout, recognizing the unique ways they show up for you. You will be able to evaluate your work and lifestyle to identify opportunities for hemore»
In this course you will learn how to attract the best candidates for the job as well as how to offer those candidates the best experience in the market. This course will show you how talent managemenmore»
This course is intended to assist facilities with all aspects of emergency planning, including overview planning, staff training, and safe food handling.
In this one hour course, learn what it means to be professionally ethical. Become familiar with the CDM, CFPP Code of Ethics and how this provides a guide for you through decisions you are faced withmore»
This online leadership training is offered exclusively for active ANFP volunteers. The interactive course will help chapter and district leaders learn to plan an educational meeting.
1.00 General CE Credits
This course is designed to help chapter president's understand their roles and responsibilities, as well as all other officer's responsibilities, the 'how to's' of succession planning and conducting more»
0.50 General CE Credits
This course is designed to help chapter treasurer's understand their roles and responsibilities, financial best practices, 'how to's' and resources available to ensure their success while serving in more»
This course is designed to help chapter secretary's understand their roles and responsibilities, the 'how to's' of preparing minutes, overseeing the newsletter editor and recruitment efforts of the mmore»
This course is designed to help chapter newsletter editors understand their roles and responsibilities, the ‘How-Tos’ of preparing a timely, engaging, relevant, and professional newsletter, complete more»
This course is designed to help chapter brand ambassadors understand their role and responsibilities. The course includes best practices, how to’s and additional information to ensure the success of more»
This course is designed for new chapter leaders or any chapter volunteer that is interested in serving on the board in the near future.
This online leadership training is offered exclusively for active ANFP volunteers. This interactive course will help chapter and district leaders learn about their roles as volunteers and the relatimore»
This course is designed for chapter leaders/ volunteers to support the chapter's recruitment and retention efforts when seeking new members and volunteers.
© 2021 Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals